Membership & Support


Your membership in "Friends of the Garden" will provide much needed support for our efforts to maintain and expand this lovely 10 acre garden. You'll also be a part of our continuing efforts to educate and explore the natural world around us through programs, classes, and exhibits. Please make your check payable to SACGC, Inc. with the notation "Friends of the Garden" SACGC, Inc. 1388 Eisenhower Drive Savannah, Georgia 31406.


Individual  25.00 
Family  35.00 
Supporter  50.00 
Sustainer  100.00 
Sponsor 500.00
Patron 1,000.00
All contributions are welcome and appreciated, please consider donating at one of the giving levels below. All donations are secure. Thank you for helping us GROW!

Volunteer Opportunities

Would you like to help maintain a particular area of the garden or would you consider becoming a docent in the historic Reinhard House? There are many volunteer opportunities for members and non-members alike. Please contact us or stop by and fill out a volunteer form today. Don't forget to check out our blog at Come grow with us!